Beach Birthday

Downtown Charleston
Beach sessions


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New Yorker turned Charleston, SC portrait photographer. Obsessed with the beach, good food, and exploring around town!

Hey! I'm Lindsay

Sweet McNair with her parents, Chesley and Trex

I first met Chesley and Trex back in 2018 when they asked me to take their engagement photos. We met on Wild Dunes for a gorgeous sunset session. At that time, having moved to Charleston only the year prior, I had never been to Wild Dunes. I was excited to see what was behind those gates!

Fast forward, I love every time a client asks me to come do a shoot on Wild Dunes! When Chesley reached out and told me their little one was turning one and that they wanted to do a beach birthday session I was so excited. What better way to spend your first birthday than starting it on the beach at sunrise. If it were up to me I would spend my birthday watching the sun come up over the ocean too. Only difference is, I may or may not bring a bottle of bubbly to enjoy as well! LOL.

I’ve said it before and it cannot be repeated enough. Beach sunrise sessions are EARLY. They’re about to get even early the closer we get to summer. However, they are so so worth the early wake up call and extra coffee!

While I was a little nervous about how many clouds there were in the sky [Read: I could not see a single star in the sky when I left home and started to freak out a little], the closer I got to the beach the more I could see just how gorgeous this cloud cover sky was going to make this morning session.

What started out as a Blue gray morning turned into the most vibrant pink and peach sky! Literally perfect for a Sweet Baby Girl’s first birthday on the beach!

Lastly, while this was one of the first of probably many, many early mornings on the beach for this year this sunrise may be hard to beat! I am so glad I was able to share it with such a sweet family on such a special birthday for their little beach baby!