Seven Years worth of shutter clicks.

Downtown Charleston
Beach sessions


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New Yorker turned Charleston, SC portrait photographer. Obsessed with the beach, good food, and exploring around town!

Hey! I'm Lindsay

Seven years ago today, I was supposed to drive one of my best friends to her final doctor’s appointment before her twins were due. That morning I got a call from her husband telling me that my driving services were no longer needed, because the girls decided they were coming that day! Instinctively, I grabbed my camera and headed to the hospital.

After anxiously waiting in the waiting room we were finally allowed in to meet the girls. I picked up my camera and took a few snapshots here and there. Baby feet, baby hands, being held by their Aunt for the first time etc. I went home that night and uploaded the images and literally posted to my Facebook “I knew I loved taking photos, but I think I’ve found my calling :)”. I went back the next day and we took more photos with mom and dad and details of the girls. While I had very little idea what I was doing with editing photos (and shooting for that matter) I still poured myself into them. I loved every second of both the shooting and editing process.

It was then in April 2014 that I realized how special photography could be. Families allowing me into their lives at these precise and special moments to capture their family, their life RIGHT NOW. Those girls were only one day old THAT day. Never again would they be that tiny, or their feet that wrinkly.

Shortly after that day, I started to get messages from people asking me to capture their kids, their families. Things literally just took off! Admittedly now, I had NO idea what I was doing! While I could tell you what I wanted, and how to compose the photos, it took many many hours of classes and courses to get me to where I am today. It was these first “clients” though, those families that took a chance on me to capture their memories I will forever be grateful for. I may look back and cringe slightly at how I edited something 7 years ago, but I also look back and see the progression of my passion. I see the hours spent pouring over a photo to make just that one image perfect and teaching myself how to do it.

To this day, when someone asks me how long I have been shooting, I think back to that April day in Albany, NY where the fire was lit. I think of those two baby girls who ended up serving as my photography muses over and over again in the years to come.

Thank you Brooke and Brynne and especially your Mommy whose been one of my biggest cheerleaders from day ONE! To Sara, and all of my first clients, thank you for trusting me, sharing my work, referring me and encouraging me. Little did I know at the time it would lead me to Charleston and that my “weekend shoots” would turn into my everyday work, but I am forever, forever grateful.

Happy 7th Birthday to my first clients, Brooke and Brynne! It’s been way too long since I have had you two in front of my camera and it’s one of my 2021 Goals! In the meantime, a little montage of our shoots over the last SEVEN years! Enjoy seeing all the many previous editing styles of Lindsay Weber Photography!